Checklist for Your Move-out

Note: This page only applys to tenants that already have a contract with us.

You certainly want your move-out to be uncomplicated. For this reason, we provide a check list for you containing the main points that we attach importance to and the hidden spots of cleaning.

If the room or apartment are not sufficiently cleaned, we are unfortunately obliged to have you clean them again. Please take your time to clean the room thoroughly.

Residential accomodations

Terms that are used below:

  • Allmandring II: House numbers 24A–24D
  • Allmandring III: House numbers 26A–26D
  • Shared flat: All rooms in Allmandring II or III are shared flats which means that you share the kitchen and the bathroom with a maximum of four other inhabitants in the same flat.

Cleaning equipment

In general, you get the cleaning equipment (like detergent and sponge) from your caretaker. Every shared flat should own a vacuum cleaner/cleaning swab. In Allmandring III, there is a vacuum cleaner in every house. A sign on a flat door shows you where it is currently located.

Cleaning of the Room

  • The room has to be empty, except for the inventory of the dormitory.
    • Landlords that move in again: Small things like a lamp or mirror can be left in the room. Everything else has to be arranged with us in advance and maybe with the subtenant. Especially the closet has to be useable.
  • Please clean the dust from everywhere in the room, especially
    • Back desk compartments (they are hidden, turn the desk!)
    • Upper shelf compartments
    • Top of the closet
    • White baseboard along the bottom of the walls
    • Drawer under the bed
    • Remove spider webs from everywhere, especially in the corners below the ceiling
  • Please clean the furniture with a wet cleaning rag after removing any sticky tape.
  • Please clean the windows with a wet cleaning rag. Also open the window and remove dirt from the frame.
  • Please wipe the floor, also under the bed (eventually remove the drawer to do so).
  • Walls, furniture, and the door need to have uncovered surfaces (i.e., no posters, stickers, or mirrors sticking to it).
  • Please air out the room.
  • Turn off the radiator.

After your move-out, we will lock the room. If you have to wait e.g. for a flight, you are welcome to stay in one of the common rooms. In order to speed up our check after the cleaning, we kindly ask you to

  • open all closets and drawers,
  • move all furniture away from the wall, and
  • flip the mattress up.

Cleaning of the Common Rooms

  • At your move-out, you are responsible for the condition of the common roomes. Since all flat mates are responsible to keep them clean, please talk to them early enough to best clean the apartment all together. In the case of dirty common rooms, all flat mates (including you) may have to pay for cleaning organized by Studierendenwerk.
  • Wipe the floor everywhere.
  • Balcony: Free of any trash and no chairs belonging to the dormitory are allowed.
  • Kitchen:
    • The work surface needs to be as empty as possible and cleaned.
    • Stove
    • Cooker hood
    • Oven
    • Empty and clean the kitchen cupboard and fridge space beloning to you. If they are numbered, then the spaces matching your room number must be clean and empty.
  • Bath room (if there are two, both need to be cleaned):
    • Shower
    • Mirror
    • Washbasin
  • Lavatory:
    • Toilet
    • Small washbasin
  • Dining area: The desk needs to be as empty as possible and cleaned.
  • Take out the garbage.