After the joy of receiving an internship in Stuttgart, problems in finding accommodation will soon follow. For international students, it is almost impossible to find cheap accommodation for 3 months in the private sector. We think that’s not fair!
Our Vision
We, the association Wohnungsreferat Stuttgart e. V., wish
- to create enough free rooms in the dormitories for students from all around the world who need a place to stay in Stuttgart for a short time during their studies,
- a fair assignment of the few places independently of origin, sex, and wealth,
- to offer main tenants the chance to sublet their room with ease,
- to support the tenants even in a crisis,
- and this in the easiest and most uncomplicated way.
We are the flagship of all student subletting agencies on the campus – young, motivated, and dedicated. You can also become part of our association.
Our History
There are several student subletting agencies (so-call “Wohnungsreferat”) on the campus, which consist of some students living in the dormitories. Unfortunately, they work mostly unstructured and only manage the sublets to mainly receive an extension of their lease with Studierendenwerk.
We started with the dormitory Allmandring III and added Allmandring II later to our responsibilities. At this time, we also lacked the professionalism for this responsibility. But this changed the latest in the year 2012 when we founded this non-profit registered association. We put much effort into following all laws, offering the tenants uncomplicated service, and having documented and structured workflows. It is our top priority to offer a place to sleep to as many tenants as possible from all around the world. Compared to the founding year 2012, we have grown by a factor of three after also offering rooms in the dormitory Allmandring I. Unfortuately, we are not subletting these dormitories anymore since 2022 due to a change in the landlord of Allmandring I. You will find more about our history in the annual report.
Annual Report
As a non-profit association, we want to be as transparent as possible. Therefore, we publish our annual report since the financial year 2017. You can now comprehend how each Euro is spent.
- Annual Report 2023 (German)
- Annual Report 2022 (German)
- Annual Report 2021 (German)
- Annual Report 2020 (German)
- Annual Report 2019 (German)
- Annual Report 2018 (German)
- Annual Report 2017 (German)
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.